Improve Mental Health Through Food

Discover 6 effective ways to enhance your mental well-being with the help of food.

Our food choices have a profound impact on our brains, as our gastrointestinal system (commonly known as “the gut”) is closely connected to the brain. Trillions of living microbes in the gut play a crucial role in synthesising neurotransmitters that regulate sleep, pain, appetite, mood, and emotion.

An emerging field called nutritional psychiatry emphasises how diet and nutrition significantly affect our mental state. It aims to support the treatment of mental health conditions through dietary and lifestyle changes.

If a diet is inadequate it may lead to fatigue, impaired decision-making, and even exacerbate stress and depression. What we eat isn’t just about satisfying hunger, it’s about nourishing our minds and promoting overall mental resilience.

 Here are some dietary changes that can influence mental health:

  1. Healthy, Well-Balanced Diet: Consuming a balanced diet can enhance cognitive function, improve concentration, and boost alertness.

  2. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, and Legumes: A diet rich in fresh produce has been associated with improved mood and reduced symptoms of depression. These nutrient-dense foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support mental wellbeing.

  3. Lean Proteins: Including lean proteins in your diet can positively impact overall mood and happiness. Protein sources like chicken, fish, legumes, and nuts contribute to neurotransmitter production and stabilise blood sugar levels.

  4. Limiting Sugar and Processed Carbohydrates: High sugar intake and refined carbohydrates can contribute to stress and anxiety. Opt for whole foods and minimize processed sugars to maintain stable energy levels and emotional balance.

  5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These healthy fats found in fatty fish (like salmon), walnuts, and flaxseeds have anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  6. Probiotics and Fermented Foods: A healthy gut microbiome positively influences mental health. Incorporate probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut to support gut health.



Firth, J., Gangwisch, J. E., Borsini, A., Wootton, R. E., & Mayer, E. A. (2020) Food for Thought 2020: Food and mood: How do diet and nutrition affect mental wellbeing? The BMJ, 369

M, P., Petersen, K. S., Hibbeln, J. R., Hurley, D., Kolick, V., Peoples, S., & Rodriguez, N. (2021) Nutrition and behavioural health disorders: Depression and anxiety. Nutrition Reviews, 79(3), 247-260

Muscaritoli, M. (2021) The Impact of Nutrients on Mental Health and Well-Being: Insights From the Literature. Frontiers in Nutrition, 8

Ross, A, Shertukde, SP, Livingston Staffier, K, Chung, M, Jacques, P, McKeown, NM (2023) The Relationship between Whole-Grain Intake and Measures of Cognitive Decline, Mood, and Anxiety—A Systematic Review. American Society for Nutrition


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